About the Author

The person responsible for all of these random writings…

… was born in October 1985, back when Margaret Thatcher was not being turned; everybody seemed to drive a yellow car, and big shoulder pads were seen as a fashion necessity.

… had a happy childhood growing up in the metropolitan town of Watford, a town famous for… not much.

… has written in a diary every day since January 1996, and likes to remember everything and everyone she meets and hates the thought of ever forgetting a good memory.

… studied Applied Social Sciences at Lancaster University from 2005 to 2008. Β It was a wonderful three years of working, partying and becoming an adult.

… then took a job which she didn’t enjoy and that made her want to travel, so she went around the USA for a month in 2009, which increased the desire to travel more.

… went volunteering in Indonesia in 2010, and it blew her mind and changed her outlook on life completely in a way which she wasn’t aware was possible.Β  Every day, she wishes she could be back there.

… now lives in Canterbury where she is trying to sort out the rest of her life.

… enjoys being on a train or plane to somewhere exciting and listening to music, looking out of the window and taking in the atmosphere around her.

… loves all her family and friends very much, and cannot say that enough.

9 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. great blog! we have some shared experiences even though we’re on different continents πŸ™‚ what shall we do with the rest of our lives Bathie?? hehhehe
    let’s start by saving up for that mini reunion

  2. I read this in the Cambodia Lonely Planet book and thought of you: “Nick comes from Watford, the sort of town that makes you want to travel.” – part of the bio of one of the authors

    Love the blog

  3. Hi Sophie

    I love the blog – very witty and well-written. Have you considered doing a podcast where you read your entries (for those of us unfortunate enough to commute as moles several hundred feet underground in the absence of a WiFi signal)?

    I look forward to more great content!


  4. Just read your latest post Feb 2020 which discusses the harmful nature that social media notoriously engenders. We could definitely all benefit from switching our phones off more often. Very well written and a joy to read. Thank you for sharing Sophie, look forward to reading some more of your creative insights in the future!


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