Some of the Little Things I Love…

There is just something so inherently wonderful about some of the things that add colour to our daily experiences without necessarily being the most prominent part.  Here are a few examples of my favourite ‘little things’ – what are yours? 

…when you hear a song you absolutely love for that very first time, and it illuminates your next couple of days by adding a rhythm you’ve never experienced before, against the backdrop of something which you have…

motion: the first sip of coffee whilst sat on a moving train, looking out the windows as you pass through all the different towns, watching an entire collection of stories being performed live by strangers…

…when you make a passing interaction with somebody in the street, and they come out with some typically old-fashioned joke that’s safe for any audience, usually a pun, and it just ends up making your day…

…when elderly relatives regale the kind of random, hilarious, questionable opinion-infused story that you would just not hear being told with the same vigour by anyone else, ever…

…that first occasion each Spring when you suddenly spot the prevalence of rape fields, as though somebody has gone out and coloured in the landscape with a giant highlighter pen overnight…


…that instant when two souls connect having only just met, and you quickly feel that you’re speaking with somebody you’ve known for years, who you instantly feel comfortable around…

…those interesting facts about the night sky – as well as the extent of the unknown which surrounds it – that make just staring up at the stars a unique experience each and every time…

…taking off on an aircraft at night, and how when you look down at the lights below the motorway traffic looks like a limitless red and white striped toothpaste that’s been squeezed out of its tube to break up an otherwise black landscape…

…when you land overseas at a similar time of day to the above, and how as you exit the little tin-can that’s been airborne for the past few hours you’re suddenly confronted by the unknown, your initial experience of it being that standard parade along the shiny floors and bright lights of the airport, reality only smacking you once you take that first inhalation of the outdoors, strange voices emanating from taxis, pining for your custom…

…a deep night’s sleep in a foreign bedroom on the first night of an overseas trip…

…running your fingers along paper that has gradually gone crinkled over time…


…just standing and watching the sea, especially on an overcast day.  The way the waves just carry on, relentlessly, no matter what.  The sensation of knowing they’ve been doing the exact same thing in the exact same way since the beginning of time…

…the first sip of a glass of wine from a bottle shared with friends – a symbol of your permit to relax and take a break from all life’s other responsibilities for a few hours…

…climbing into a freshly made bed on a dark Winter’s evening as the opening credits to a favourite film roll by, the television screen beaming a warm, soft glow around the room…

…And many, many more… why not leave a comment sharing some of your favourite little things?

Song of the Day: Derevolutions – Take it to the Hoop

This is such a bizarre sounding song, I don’t even know how to describe what’s going on in it.  That’s probably why I love it.  It’s also great fun to exercise to, and is definitely one of the best musical discoveries I’ve made in 2016.