An Interactive Memory of Indonesia

I was delighted to find my Indonesia videos tucked away somewhere in My Documents recently.  I had forgotten all about them because I didn’t think they worked on my computer… but watching them brought everything back – the sights, the sounds, the scents…the reasons why I fell in love with that country…

I’m a big advocate of living in the present moment as opposed to the past, but the truth is, two and a half years on, I still cling on to those memories so tightly because that trip taught me things I can’t imagine my life without.  And I will never let go of those.

Like…learning the traditional Minangkabau dance and performing it at the Donation Day event in Universitas Andalas.  It took so many rehearsals in the hot, humid heat.  That song that would be oscillating round in my head each and every day…ding ding ba ding ding….and even each night as I tried to sleep….ding ding ba ding ding

I remember the frequent rehearsal breaks to go and eat kentang goreng barbecue (barbecue chips) in the restaurant next door, and how thirsty the practice had made us, and how concerned we were over whether or not we’d be able to do a good performance at the event.

And how itchy the fabric of the traditional Minangkabau dress felt against my skin.

And how much I felt like a confused bowl of jelly up on stage.

But how much I loved that experience.

I see this video again for the first time in years and it brings it all back.

I miss that time so much.

I miss travelling so much.