
People talk about strength as a positive trait, something which everybody should aspire to have, but I’m not sure I agree with – or like – how it is all too often portrayed.

Somebody who feels very passionately about something, and is particularly forthright and unwavering about what they believe in, may often be labeled as “strong”… but what’s not strong about acknowledging the merits of different opinions, and possibly even changing your own?

Likewise, we tend to label people as “strong” when they don’t seem to be fazed by life’s challenges, but what’s not strong about admitting to struggling, maybe even crying at times?

And “strong” people are often portrayed as life’s ‘winners’ – consistently achieving, succeeding, getting the gold – but what’s not strong about not even wanting to compete in the first place?  What’s not strong about not needing to win?

Strength is defined only as the ability to apply force against resistance, but people seem to forget that this force can come from a multitude of directions.  Personally, I think the truest forms of strength are those which also embody elements of “weakness”.

The strongest people I know don’t even realise it about themselves.

To me, that’s what strength is.

Song of the Day:  Bnny Rbbt – Anchor

This song is sufficient measures of both weird and cute.  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.