A February Thought…


I sometimes wonder how much time we collectively spend, simply trying to ‘figure things out’
Figure our evening outfits out.
Figure our weekend plans out.
Figure our weekly menus out.
Figure our finances out.
Figure our feelings out.
Figure our lives out.

I will always be one to advocate the importance of opportunities for personal thought and reflection, but lately I’ve found myself considering the idea that maybe in some situations the only real way of figuring something out, is to just do it before the opportunity has passed by during all the time you spent contemplating it.  Maybe some things are just not meant to be figured out.  Just do it, and see what happens,

Maybe it will turn out that a bit of extra thought could have prevented a mistake.
Maybe nothing will come of it at all.
Or maybe, it will turn out to be the best decision of your life.

But at the very least, you’ll know, and that knowledge will make future decisions that little bit easier to make.

Song of the Day:  Public Image Ltd – Rise

This was one of the signature songs of former Sex Pistol, John Lydon’s next musical project, Public Image Ltd.  Released in 1986, the track served as a comment against the apartheid which was still prevalent in South Africa at the time.  When I listen to Rise, I do not only hear – but feel – the resentment towards apartheid and the general socio-historical context of that specific time period… something which is nowhere near as evident in today’s generally meaningless chart music.

But that’s not the main reason for posting.  I just generally enjoy this tune.