A Lesson from Cats

Insta: @sophiekemz

Several weeks ago, I started to think about what our social media news feeds may look like if cats were to use it.

And then I acknowledged – not for the first, second, third… or even hundredth time – that I am slightly strange.  I am fine with this.

But it made me start questioning a great number of things.  If cats had the capability to manage a social media page, do we think they’d do it in the same fashion as humans?

Would they apply filters, maybe a set of human ears and lips?  Would they upload photos of a bowl of Whiskas and attach hash-tags like #foodporn, or check-in from next door’s shed?

Would they celebrate life’s major milestones with a status update for their fellow felines:  caught first mouse, had first kitten, neutered?

“In a relationship with: Muffin from number 32”

I thought about this for several minutes, then concluded that I don’t think they would.

I think one of things I like most about cats, is that they don’t really give a toss.  They just live life in the exact way they want, and there is something quite blissful about such nonchalance.

Cats do whatever they feel, and most of the time that means sleeping on whatever comfortable surface they can find, or going out for an explore.  They just live in their own little cat-world and have no real idea of anything that’s going on around them; yet they’re savvy enough to know when there’s a remote chance of getting something to nibble on.  They know exactly what they want from life, and have their priorities in check accordingly.

They’ll just sit blissfully in the sun, legs akimbo, eyes closed in contentment as they feel the rays beating against their paws, until they feel – from several yards – the flutter of a bird.  Then they’ll exhibit more movement within the next five seconds than in the five hours preceding them.  Pounce!

And then, after all the excitement of this, they’ll give themselves a good lick and go back to what they were doing: sunbathing in a garden which to them represents an entire world, with owners who represent its entire population.

I think there’s a lesson we can learn from cats.

Song of the Day:  Aztec Camera – Salvation

I’m struggling to understand how it’s taken me 33 years to appreciate ’80’s Scottish new-wave band Aztec Camera.  This is a beautiful piece of music; a nice one to stroll along in the park to, watching as the aeroplanes scar the dusky skies overhead.