A Short Thought II


There is really a whole lot more I could say on this matter, but I’ve got the Christmas Flu (which typically arrived on the big day itself), and at the moment it just feels like somebody’s shoved a cork in my brain.

But what I will say is that (sneeze) the above sentiment has been one that has become particularly apparent to me this year; when certain situations have reminded me of the complexities of human life – not just in terms of the things that can happen, but how they can make us feel inside…

Just remember – you are an individual human being.  You are the only you that exists in the world today, and both before – and after you have lived – regardless of how much time elapses… there will never be another you.

You are not just a gingerbread creation that was shaped by the same cutter used upon all the rest.  Don’t even try to be.  Because neither is anyone else, even though sometimes you might think that they are.

But that’s why we’re all so fascinating…

…Embrace it.  Enjoy it.  Because all too often, I think we forget it.

Song of the Day: AlgoRhythmiK – A Guide to Happiness

Another by-chance Spotify discovery, but this has definitely been one of my favourite tunes over the past few weeks. I have absolutely no idea how I could describe this music, apart from that it’s some of the strangest I’ve ever heard… but what I do know is that if the mash-up of old country ditty ‘Hamburger Hop’ with some electro-beats that starts at approximately 1:55 minutes into the song doesn’t make you want to want to dance, we’d probably be a bit of a mismatch when hitting the tiles…