Simple and True…

“Keep your friends close!” … And then keep them closer. Your family too. Nothing else really matters.

(Yes this post is probably cheesier than your feet, and yes I enjoyed playing with the felt-tips.  Goodnight…)

Song of the Day:  Eels – Climbing Up the Moon (Jon Brion Remix)

I’ve always loved Eels, and here is a remix which manages not to subtract the genius within the original.  This is quite simply one of the most beautiful, poignant songs ever written.  It’s claimed that writer, E, wrote it in the aftermath of a number of his family members passing away, and when I listen to this it feels like E is sharing his innermost thoughts and feelings with me. I like the fact that this song isn’t well-known and overplayed, I think if it was it’d take away the magic.  This song is my secret weapon, a hidden gem, and now it’s yours too: