Costless Comforts…

Frequently in this blog, I’ve written about the dangers of life moving too quickly, and how hectic daily routines can make us lose sight of the things that are truly important.  I’ve spoken of the need for us to have some ‘time out’ occasionally – an opportunity to press the ‘pause’ button and just stop for a minute or two.

Today – a Sunday – I have absolutely nothing planned – nowhere to go, nobody to see… and actually, it makes a nice change, and I’m reveling it.  Time to read, time to write, and time to listen to music, allowing my senses absorb every single note (which somehow can’t be done as easily when you’re listening to music whilst ‘on the go’, detracted by whatever it is you’re doing).  A large cup of coffee is steaming away on my desk, and from downstairs I catch the wafting scents of a roast-dinner that I’ll look forward to devouring in an hour or so’s time.

Moments like this are few and far between, and I know that that’s for the best.  When I first came to Canterbury and was unemployed with no money and no friends, every single day was like this.  I didn’t really have the means to do anything else, and it became tiresome.  I grew increasingly bored and irritable and felt that nothing I was doing was serving any purpose.  Thankfully things are very different now, and these moments where you need do nothing at all have evolved into precious opportunities to relax and refuel which simply cannot be wasted or dismissed.

I’ve always believed in this.  When I was 15, I used to have a ritual every Sunday evening where I’d light an incense stick and some candles and lie on my bed listening to my sister’s gothic and rock-metal CDs, losing myself in tunes like the following (which I’m re-listening to now for the sake of nostalgia) as a means to re-energise for the week of school ahead…

I referred to these as my ‘Candles’n’Incense evenings’ (which amused a couple of my friends) and it was very much my time, and I’d get most perturbed if I was interrupted… usually by phone-calls from friends on the land-line, wanting to ask me about some homework or generally gossip about classmates and boys.  Whilst my tastes have since changed, the sentiment of having some personal time on Sunday has very much remained.  It’s almost become a dietary requirement for me, and I try to avoid doing anything on Sunday evenings if I can.

Why is the prospect of having nothing planned so appealing?  Sometimes it’s just nice to be in a position where you can really absorb the creative stimuli around you.  Today I’ll read ‘Blue Truth – A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex’ by David Deida, a book which one of my favourite authors – Ryan Murdock – has described as a life-changing book that everybody should read.  I’ll peruse Spotify and get nostalgic listening to bands I used to love as a teen – Faith No More, Bis, Teenage Fanclub… I’ll watch a representative from my collection of ’80’s movies whilst relaxing in bed… and then later I’ll take a trip to the Chartham Downs to see if the poppies by Little Iffin Wood have bloomed yet…

….Costless comforts.  Exactly what Sundays are for.

Song of the Day:  Bis – Popstar Kill

Bis – an indie-pop outfit from Glasgow – are – with their songs about confectionary shops and dinosaurs, one of the most unique bands I’ve ever heard.  Most popular during the ’90s, they’ve recently returned from a long hiatus to release a new album.  Reminded of their existence, I felt like listening to their older stuff, which I used to love as a 12-year old.  This song – laced with infantile attitude and tuneful melodies – was a particular favourite, from an album which would often be spinning around my CD player… I used to want to be lead vocalist Manda Rin… Music just isn’t made like this anymore!