This month I decided it was time to finally address a few ‘niggling‘ things around my flat. You know the sort of things I mean, those things which in their current state aren’t ideal, but will just ‘do’, especially for the sake of saving pennies. Several of these things had been on my ‘list of things to sort’ since 2018, like having the ill-fitting loo seat replaced and painting the kitchen anything other than the dreary shade of brown I’d moved in to, but none had ever felt like a priority until I finally caved this year, and it was fully worth it. A few minor changes have lifted the place up a lot, and again reminds me of the importance of the little details in life, the cement between the bricks.

‘Little Things I Love’ is about celebrating these little sensory things even more. I have already done three of these kind of posts over the years and they are among my favourite to write. We all know how testing and nasty the world can be at times, that’s why these things matter even more. The previous versions of this post are available here, here and here. So here we go… the latest little things I love...

…the notably enlarged shaft of sunlight that fills the room after rolling up the blinds by just an inch or two…

…the first moment that the sunshine reflects off a freshly-formed puddle following a rainstorm…

…books with well-creased spines – a sign of having been read and enjoyed over many years, a permit to do the same…

…running your fingers along the back of a thin piece of paper that’s been imprinted all over in biro on the other side…

…strangers holding open doors for others… (I know that some find this an insult, but to me it’s just a harmless indication of people noticing other people and just wanting to make their day a little bit easier)

…when the sky looks like this, and makes everything glow within its path…

…random, innocent, ‘wtf’ humour. For example, I love that there is an entire Instagram account for somebody who takes their Henry Hoover on road-trips with them and photographs ‘Henry’ at an array of landmarks. There’s another which only ever posts the same moving image of Miffy the Rabbit with a different musical backdrop each time, which I find equally hilarious. I would love to meet the people behind these accounts. If I ever did, I’d buy them a beer. In fact – make that five beers. In further fact – just take anything and everything you want.

…a fresh bag of crisps and pot of dip on a Friday night…

…brisk walks when the music, scenery and heart-rate are all in a state of fantastic alignment…

…when people use quaint, old-fashioned phrases like “full of vim”

…the particularly thick, fluffy feel of a brand new sweater…

…aimless wanders round Poundland. Nothing you want, everything you need; great deals on toiletries, and random snacks that you didn’t think were real / still available…

And plenty more, but they’ll be within Part 5 🙂 What are the little things you love?

Song of the Day: More Fatter – That Night

Fun, catchy indie-funk tune from California that was recently ‘recommended’ to me by Spotify and which I’m fairly sure will feature highly on my ‘Unwrapped’ towards the end of the year as I’ve had it on repeat pretty much ever since.

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